The time has come to remember who you really are. Open your heart, embrace your own light & shine!
Welcome to my website Ascension with Lovisa!
My name is Lovisa Alvtörn and I am an Ascension Guide, a Light Code Activator, an Energy Anchor and a channel for the Divine Light. My main guide is the wondrous Archangel Metatron who is in charge of the ascension process on Earth at this time. He is pouring down Light through our Stellar Gateway chakras above our heads and he is closely associated with the Sun, so much that he can even be perceived as a huge golden orange Sun himself. Archangel Metatron shines with me and through me and permeates all the work that I do. Most likely, his Light is what brought you here.
My purpose is to shine my Light for all to see, like the Sun itself. My mission is to anchor in and spread the Light to help awaken, guide, inspire, challenge, empower and nourish others on their personal journey of reconnecting with the Light within their Hearts, their True Essence and Divine Spark.
My current role in the ascension process is to help you reconnect with your own Light, Wisdom and Mastery, so that you can step into your Power as the Sovereign Being of the Light that you are! I am here to help you find the balance and flow within to reconnect with and stand up for your Truth, and share your Light with the world in co-creation for the New Golden Age of Earth.
I offer private one-on-one ascension sessions and group workshops with Divine guidance and guided meditations, as well as free teaching and meditations here, on Facebook, Instagram and my YouTube channel.
With much Love & Sunshine,